Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is she too old?

is she too old?

21 14:04:33

QUESTION: I have been given a guinea pig to keep my other one company as the rabbit she was with died. She is 5 years old but the one I was given is a boy!!!
Is she too old to "get in the family way"??

ANSWER: Hi Elinor

Unfortunatley She is way to old
Guinea Pigs should stop breeding at about age 2-3 years
You may need to get another female for the male or another rabbit

I hope things work out ok
Also dont forget to rate the answer

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HI Mitchell. I don't want to breed from her but is it safe to put the 2 guinea pigs in the same hutch together?

Hi Elinor

I would say maybe you should put them together try putting them together and if mating occurs then seperate them
I was just thinking she may be to old to even fall pregnant
So it is up to you
I would say it should be safe

All the best
Dont forget to rate the answer