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New pig questions

21 14:18:20

We just purchased a female pig from Petco yesterday.  This is the first animal of its kind that we have every owned.  I have been reading about care of guinea pigs and she seemed to be adjusting well to what we are doing.  This morning however, I noticed what appeared to be blood on her bedding.  I picked her up and examined her, but I dont see any evidence of blood anywhere.  Is this something to be concerned about?  What can I do, other than taking her back to Petco.  My daughter is already soooo attached to her.  Also, is it normal for her to spend most of her time in her little house?
Please help!  Thank you.


I wouldn't worry about the blood as you've seen no evidence of it anywhere on her, if you notice blood again tomorrow take her to see an exotic vet and have her checked out. It could have just been a little bit of a bloody nose or even not her blood. Just clean up the blood on her bedding and if you notice any more then take her to so the vet ASAP.

Yes, it is normal for her to spend most of her time in the little house, as Guinea Pigs are more active at night and sleep most of the day. So this is normal behavior, also she isn't use to her surrounding's yet so she feels safe in her little house. You'll notice that she will become a little more active in a month as she'll be use to her surroundings by then.

Good luck to you and take care,