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!!!!!Gunck on eyes :( *

21 14:22:17

For christmas my brother got a guinea pig my parents said they chequed it eyes nose breathing at they said it was fine. two days aft. christmas we found the baby g.p (the new one; oh yea we have 2)was sqinting its eyes and was very careful with one. the following day the baby had hard crust gunk in her eyes i didnt know what it was a took it out with a papper towlel it seemed like it was just sleepy dust 2 days aft!. my other guinea pig had it-but worse! my older one isnt eating (except grass which i guess is still good)0 and is only drinking a tiny bit (she drinks alot i think she just dosnt like the water cause i put vitamine c drops in it) and her eye is all red and drooping and lots of white lquid gunk is coming out i was so sad i dont know what it is and her breathing seems okay i cnt really tell this has never happened but i research and the gunk says respitory illness but if you could help me out that would be great thanks sooo much
- Shannon!**

Hi Shannon,

    It does sound like your guinea pigs are suffering from an advanced stage of upper respiratory infection (URI).  Usually, if not treated immediately, URI can be fatal.  However, if you seek the help of a veterinarian who is experienced in the area of guinea pigs, he may be able to save them.  Such a vet will check for fluid in the lungs, check the heart, and perform any necessary cultures needed in order to prescribe appropriate antibiotics.

    Symptoms of URI include labored breathing, loss of appetite, lethargy, and excessive eye discharge.  Do not stop putting vitamin C supplemental droplets in their daily food and water, for this is extremely healthy for guinea pigs and can help them strengthen their immune system.  They are refusing water because it is something guinea pigs do when they are suffering from URI.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pigs, and let me know how things work out.

                                                - Nicole