Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > too warm?

too warm?

21 14:24:53

would my guinea pig be too warm? we are thinking of moving his bed to the living room and will be having the fire and central heating on eventually,when the cold weather kicks wife thinks he should stay upstairs,where it  is a bit cooler

Hello Gary,

Guinea Pigs are best kept at stable temperatures, between 65 and 75 F is ideal. If the temperature downstairs is too much hotter than this or will be fluctuating often, it's best if they stay upstairs and vice versa if it's too cold upstairs. Mine are kept at about 80 F year round and do just fine. They will adjust to slightly higher or lower tempertures than recommended so the temperature remaining pretty much constant is what's the most important. Keep in mind that if it's too hot or cold for you, it likely is for them too since they are pretty much used to the same temperatures as you are. Good luck. In case you need it, sings of them being to hot are drooling and lethargy.
