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New Guinea pig & Old Guinea Pig..

21 14:46:42

Well this isn't really a question but more of a concern.  I have a Guinea Pig, Caramello and hes about 4 months old, i wanted to get him a friend since im not home much and it turned out to be a girl and he is a boy, her name is capacinno, anyway like i introduced them and after 15 mins caramello's going at her like crazy.  And all they do is mate, well he trys she doesnt really want it.  Shes only about 6 or 7 weeks old but if i seperate them they FLIP out, they scream to each other from their cages but lately, i dont know if its normal or not but caramello gets all sickly looking and sort of rocks back and forth and makes what i thought was the mating sound.  but thats all he does when hes with her...its like etetetet..sort of, sorry its hard to describe.  Should i seperate them..or will they bet to heart broken, they've only been together for about a week or so, and they're REALLY noisy at night, normally as soon as i turn the light out caramello shuts up instantly but now they dont shut up at all.  He also doesnt treat me the same either, he usually sqeaked for me as soon as i walked in or out of the room, and i mean scream sometimes too, and now he won't even let me pick him up without running away..he was so tame, and now its all gone i've had him since he was 5 weeks old...i dont know what to do i feel like i've lost my baby and i'm worried their might be something wrong.  Do you think i should get him a guy friend instead of a girl?  Sorry its so long.

 I wouldn't really seperate them if I was you because you mentioned that if they aren't not together they flip and start squealing. If they still are acting the way they are then seperate them. I wouldn't get another boy to keep it with the girl because they will fight over her. If you are planning to get rid of the girl then get a boy instead but two boys are more into fighting and playing with eachother.It all depends on rather or not you want to breed again. I hope this is helpful and don't hesitate to ask me another question. Good Luck.