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Breeding + travel

21 14:26:46

I am about to breed my female G.P., but I go home every weekend as I am in college and i dont like to stay in res. during my days off, lol. It is about a 30 min. drive home for me... I was wondering: if my girl did get pregnant would I be able to take her home every weekend or would this cause more stress that may jeprodize the pregnancy?... Also if I cant take her home would it be ok to stock her up on food and leave her alone for roughly one day, or should I see if someone can sit for her? Thanks...

As long as your female is pretty easy going and doesn't mind going places she should be fine with traveling. It would actually be best for you to take her so you can keep a close eye on her during every part of the pregnancy, if however she is very skitish it would be better for her to leave her there with enough food and water or better yet have someone come and check on her when your gone. I have traveled with guinea pigs before of all ages and as long as the guinea pig trust you and doesn't mind moving around she should be fine, I have actually traveled on a semi-truck for about a month with one of my guinea pig, my father is a truck driver, and she did not mind it a bit, she actually loved all of the attention. Let me know if you have any more questions.