Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Temperature/climate


21 13:49:44

Hi, I feel like I'm bothering u with a ton of questions since I just got my piggiee lol I had mentioned before taking my guinea pig to school with me daily and you said it would prob be ok but it would be better just to leave him there.  The heat/air turns off in the classrooms turns off around 5 or 6, so I'm just worried about him not being safe.  For example, the next few days r supposed to have a low of 42 farenheit while some after that will have highs of around 85 degrees F.  Would he be safe? There is heting/air in the hallways which should help but I can't leave my door open.  Any suggestions?thank you, and sorry for the essay lol

its okay im at uni anyway used to essays,

guinea pigs feel the heat more than they feel the cold, i know they come from south america so people think that they will not be cold resistent, but they live quite high up where it is cooler. so long as the nesting area has plenty of hay he should be fine, and so long as the room does not get stifling hot and he is in a well ventilated cage he will be fine. and i would much rather people hound me with questions than risk an animal getting hurt.