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Guinea Pig has been in hospital, now he is home.............

21 14:26:39

and I tried to put him back with Barney, his friend, but they fight and have to be seperated, Fred broke his leg and was admitted to hospital for a week, when will I be able to put them back together without having to worry about them fighting?

Hey Sheridan,

Unfortunately males are very territorial by nature, and the absence of a male partner changes the pecking order. Whilst Fred was away, Barney suddenly was the main 'dominant' male, and, to him, the cage became hios territory and his alone.

It is a very common thing that males start to fight as time goes by, even withoutb these circumstances, and there's normally nothing you can do but separate them.

HOWEVER, there is a way of trying to get them to accep each other. Gradually 'introduce' them as if they'd never met again - put in a run with mesh separating them, and accomodation also (if that can be arranged). That means that theyre separate and may start to get used to each ohers presence again. Then, after at least a week, put them in the run together and keep an eye on them - if they start fighting obviously separate them. If all goes well here, eventually put them in accomodation together - but make sure it is quite a big cage, so that they have room to be away from each other if they feel like it(two-tiers would be ideal). Although there are few success stories with this when males who ALREADY know each other go through this process, i has worked before, and its worth a try.

Other than that, there is nothing you can do but keep them separated, if neither Barney or Fred will accept the lowe position in the pecking order again.

I hope I was able to help

Jo x