Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > RINGWORM


21 13:48:44

I wanted to know if there is a way to treat ringworm on a guinea pig at home. We are in a tight spot right now financially and a vet is out of the question. The pet store where usually go for my piggie's food asked me to bring him in sometime in the next 2 days so they can tell me for sure if it's ringworm. And if it is, can it be treated at home.

Well firstly it is relativly common so the pet shop might have something to treat it, so make sure you ask.
if not then you may have to do some hunting, the best two things would probably be an oral treatment.
look for something called Lufenuron, i do not know if it is availible over the counter in america but 30-40mg placed in a bit of vegetable oil once a day until the condition is gone is fine, failing that then Ketoconazole 10-30mg for no more than two weeks.

as always the vets is the best option but i understand that financially they can be very expensive.
best of luck