Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Our guinea pig really does nothing

Our guinea pig really does nothing

21 13:39:04

We acquired a guinea pig from someone.  She is about 7/8 months old.  We have been trying to get her to show some interest in something, anything but we are not doing so good.  We take her out of the cage, hold her, and talk to her but she only sits still.  We brought her playpen and put some toys in there for her but she shows no interest.  We have had her for about 2 weeks now.  Can you recommend something we can do for her to help get happy?

Every pig has a personality of their own and some are very docile while others are active. Most pigs need a couple of weeks to get used to their surroundings, the sites, sounds and smells. It may be she is just a bit shy and unsure of her surroundings and has not yet become comfortable.

Don't expect to much just yet. She may just be a laid back pig that doesn't show excitement, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as she enjoys being in your arms and being held You are lucky.

Each breed, and there are 13 different breeds of pigs, have their own personality that is unique to the breed. I would recommend giving her a little more time, but also remember that being still does not mean we s not happy.

I hope this gives you a little bit o help. If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.