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Self-barbering post-partum

21 14:23:22

Hi our guinea pig has pulled a large patch of fur off herself overnight, the skin is raw.  She has 4 babies this morning and is eating OK.  Should we bathe it ourselves, if so, with what, or should we take her to the vet please?  She has had other litters with no such problem.

Dry skin and irritaion can be normal for some females during and after labor, a lot of the time it occurs with frequent or big litters. The best thing to do is give her a bath in moisturising conditioner and then soak her skin with baby oil and rinse. The once she drys apply some human dry skin lotion, and also use lotion at least twice a day. Vitamin E oil in the pellets works well too. Just make sure she gets lots of vitamins and try to get the babies weaned and out of the cage as soon as possible, because this will last until she is done nursing.