Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > HUGE CRISIS!!!


21 14:08:49

Oh my i just bought me the cutest guinea pig two days ago and i have absolutely no clue how to play with it. This is my first time to even see one and i thought it was the most cutest thing so i bought it. You know when you have a lot of money and you just don't know how to spend it so you spend it on crazy things... well my pigs name is Fred and i take him out of the cage but how am i expected to play with him. Am i suppose to put him on a leash and take him for a jog? i just don't know!!! please help me!

Hi Sarah

Fred may simply just enjoy being cuddled. In fact you should keep it simple like this for the first few weeks.

I also let my pigs have a run around the front room and have great fun catching them.

Take a look at the link below.
