Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > language


21 14:40:10

Hi -

    I just acquired a 3 year old boar -  his name is Onyx.  He seems to love to be held, as he will lay for hours on my chest and not try to move.  I put him on my desk while correcting papers and he just sits there watching me.  I am trying to get him to "talk" more.  Right now the only time he talks is when I'm holding him - he kind of squeals when I pet him.  Is that a happy squeal or not?  I can't seem to tell the difference yet.  I'll come into the room once in awhile making squealing noises, and occasionally he will respond with the same noise he makes while being held.  Any info you give me will be helpful!


Hi Mike,

Guinea pigs don't usually squeal unless they're ungry or hurt. I recommend taking him to a small animal's vet to get a professional opinion. I don't know much about this, but ask another expert and you should defenitely take him to the vet!
