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How can you tell if your Guinnea pig is pregnat.

21 14:40:09

I got my Ginnea pig at chrismas, shes 6 months.
My friend and me decided to see my new GP, she has a
boy guinnea pig which is two years old. I didn't know if my GP was a girl or a boy, so we put them
togeter and they did something when we were eating,
all of a sudden we came back and we saw'll what happen. Weeks later she got fat we though we gave
to much food but I don't think so.


Veronica --

If your guinea pig did get pregnant, she wouldn't be showing yet.  So, unfortunately, if she's looking fat, you might be over-feeding.  Here's how to tell if she's pregnant (although I wouldn't try this for at least another week or so.)

Put your guinea pig on a table, facing you.  Put your hands around her, thumbs under her belly, fingers across her back.  Gently pick her up and lay her down on her back, so that her feet are facing toward you.  Now you let go with one hand and use two fingers from that hand to gently feel the lower part of her stomach.  What you are feeling for is two hard, egg-shaped lumps.  If you feel these, she is probably pregnant.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
