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No Water

21 14:27:40

Hi Laura!
Our little boy guinea doesn't drink any water.  He is about 1 year old and i have only ever seen him drink once.  We had a bowl in with him at the start but all he did was get in it and tip it over, so we switched to a bottle.  I have shown him how to use it but he doesn't seem to care!!  He is very healthy and heaps lots of fresh vegies, fruit and weeds.
He does lots of poos and wees and seems healthy just no water...
Is this ok?

Hi Laura,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am a full time carer for newborn twins so have had many problems in finding just five minutes to myself. Apologies if any inconvenience was caused.

If he is in good health and eats fine, and gets a good variety of fresh veggies, then there shouldn't be any problems. The amount of water guinea pigs drink ranges greatly, from just a mouthful or two a day to a 100ml bottle being drained! I wouldn't worry about it, though if you are still worried just give him a couple of slices of cucumber each day. Fresh veggies and fruits especially contain lots of water, so he simply may be getting enough water from his veggies.
Be sure to give him fresh water each day though, even if he hardly drinks any of it.

If you require any further help, let me know and I will be glad to assist.

Best Wishes,

- Laura