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fix and start relationships my piggies

21 14:25:55

Hey! This is a big question but i need help that I haven't been able to find. I got my first guinea pig a few months ago and tried to spend time with it (by that I mean just picking it up and petting it) which I just found out isn't really the best approach. Soon after I left for 10 days and then my mom sent him back when the vet said he had a problem where they left him in quarentine for another week. From there, everything went down hill, he was always scared of me and is left alone a lot. To keep him company I got a second one that I think can become more of a success. That's my story so now these are my questions: how can I fix my relationship with my first guinea pig, make a good relationship with my new one and have them both get along with each other. Thanks ^.^

Hi Milena,

Picking your piggy up and handling it regularly is ALWAYS  the best approach when trying to get your piggy used to you, and being handled by you. Experts say that you should handle a nervous piggy, just handling it, having it on your lap, petting it,  etc, for at least 20mins a day to get it used to you.

The likelihood is that he hasn't been handled enough - by leaving him for 10 days without handling when he was quite nervous, and then another week at the vet, he would have been very scared and alone. The illness and his stay at the vets would have also made him jumpy and more nervous.

I advise that you handle both your piggies for at least 20 mins each day - give them lots of fuss, and perhaps try to feed them veg or fruit when theyre on your lap (they will be hesitant with this and not do it at first but after a few times their confidence should build up,). You could even sit and watch tely with them on your lap, whilst stroking them. This will make them feel more like part of the family.

Unless fighting ensues, they should be OK with each other and be getting along fine. However, you could also try a thing affectionately known as 'floor time', where you take your piggies and put them in a space (liek the floor,), obviously with boundaries so they dont get behind the furniture and run away, etc (like a pen,), and stroke them both, and let them interact.

Hope I was able to help,
