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Guinea Pig having balance problems

21 13:45:13

My guinea pig, Bella, tonight appears to have trouble with her balance.  She's listing side to side, losing her footing.  She almost seems as if she can't SEE her hay manger or food dish - like she can smell it and tell it's there but is finding the hay by sniffing around instead of seeing it. The balance is the scariest she's tipping over.  When we noticed this behavior she had plenty of food, water and hay available.  Admittedly, her cage was in dire need of cleaning.  But could a dirty cage make her disoriented?


No, a dirty cage would not have any effect on balance. It sounds as though she's had some kind of brain injury or stroke. She may indeed be blind as you suspect. Are you sure she has not suffered some kind of trauma, or has fallen or been dropped?  That could cause a brain injury that could explain these symptoms.

I think the best thing to do is take her to a vet to be examined. She may also have an inner ear infection that could cause the balance problem. That would not however, affect her vision. To be sure of what is actually happening she really needs to a vet asap.