Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > What is some new stuff I can...

What is some new stuff I can...

21 14:44:44

What is some new stuff I can put in the cage that my guinea pig is not bord and I need some more ways to tame my guinea pig
are guinea pig rodents?

Hello Kelsie

You can put in cardboard boxes with large holes in them, 4" pvc pipe (if you think its too small for yuor pig then dont put it in), plastic flower pots with holes cut in them, bricks layed flat for them to lay on or stacked to make stairs (be sure the bricks cant fall), cat jingle balls, wooden building blocks & rabbit toss toys.Offer treats, talk in a calm voice and pick them up and put them on your lap and pet them daily offer treats while there on your lap and talk in a calm voice. I have heard guinea pigs are rodents and they arent rodents but I think they are rodents.

I hope this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask.