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medical,excercise,toys,dietary, grooming

21 14:44:43

Hi, I have had my guinea pig for about a year and a half.  I've noticed this milky white stuff in her eyes and sometimes it drips on her face. What is it and should I worry about it?  What kind of excercise should she do?  What kind of toys should she use?  What kind of food can she eat besides carrots and pellets?  I give her grapes, lettuce, and broccoli sometimes. Are those ok for her to eat?  Do guinea pigs like baths?  Do they need them?  My guinea pig eats grass a lot when I take her outside.  Is that ok?  Thank you.

take her to the vet. i don't know what the white stuff could be, and i doubt its sleep (eye bugers) if its milky white. the vat can also answer all these questions you have.
give her play time 1-2 hours minimum to run around and play with you. toys are hard to get, find or be creative to make for piggies, vets generally have good ideas for them.
she needs hay on a daily basis as well as the pellets and water. grapes, letuce and broccoli are fine to give her.
piggies sometimes need bathes. pet stores sell small animal shampoos for them.
grass is fine for her. she needs roughage like that and lettuce in her diet.
once again, take her to the vet about the eye thing, ask him/her these questions, they can give it to you in more detail then i.