Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > maturity


21 14:44:43

dear chirs.,
i have a question i have a gurl guinea pig 1yr. when do they hit sexual maturity and when will i now when she hits it? well love an answer soon
thanks xoxoxox.
April  18, 2004                     7:00 p.m.

Hello Katlyn.

Guinea pigs technically hit sexual maturity at about 3 weeks of age. That's when they can become pregnant, or start to feel the need to mate. People who breed pigs wait until the age of about 4 months - 1 year. After a year, they have already hit sexual maturity, and always will, but it becomes more dangerous if your looking to breed. If your thinking about it, please let me know. There are some IMPORTANT things i would need to tell you. It may stop you dead in your tracks.

HOpe this helps.