Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Fudgeeeeee


21 14:07:10

Ok I asked you a question a day or two ago about Fudge's possible pregnancy... I weighed her yesturday and she was at between 1LB 5oz & 3/4 - 1LB 5oz. & 7/8... Today I weighed her and she lost ALMOST 2 ounces... She currently weighs 1LB 4oz, and 3/8... there's no blood so she didn't have a misscarriage and no babys are present in her cage... Is she ok? PLEASE HELP!

Hi Bree

As always a vet visit may be the way to go but if she hasnt any blood discharge and she is still eating well and looks ok in herself then she probably is ok.

It might be that one of the babies will be still born but I am only speculating.
