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My guinnea pig

21 14:46:23


My first question is that one morning I woke up and one of my male guinnea pigs was lying in the aquarium dead.  Two more were in there with him and nothing was wrong with them.  Do you know of anything that might have caused his death?  Secondly, what is the best way to fatten up my guinnea pigs and what is the best food for them.  I feed them guinnea pig pellets and diet right now.

You didnt mention how big the aquarium was, I'm guess its not the best housing situation for the Pigs. They should be in a 24x20 cage, with good ventilation. An aquairum is fine for fish and snakes, but not for Cavies.

Now exactly why are you wanting to 'fatten' up your guinea pigs? Are they underweight? Are you feeding them fresh vegetables with their pellets? Are they getting enough Vit. C? If not, then this is probably why the first one died.

I recommend setting up a visit with a vet, and perhaps learning more on the proper way to house and feed a Guinea Pig.