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Broken leg

21 14:06:00

My guinea Pig Sammy, broke her leg (my 4 year old daughter accidently fell on her while playing in the garden).
I live in Germany, we took her to the vet and the vet gave sammy a shot for pain, but said to put her in a small area  such as a shoe box for 2 to 4 weeks and it will heel on its own.
I feel there is more  I should do?
Please help...

Hi Marcelle

I am not sure what to suggest here. Yes keep the piggy in a small area so she cant move about but make sure its got hay food and water available.
The pain killer will have worn off and thers a chance Sammy could still be in pain.
Perhaps you could ask the vet for some METACAM which is a  lliquid pain killer to give Sammy yourself at home while the leg heals