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dying GP

21 14:22:30

How can I make my piggi more comfortable? He was fine a week ago and on Christmas he stopped eating and drinking(even veggies and treats!)-no change to diet (has always had fresh h2o/ vit. c fortified pellets adn timothy hay, along w/ occasional carrot/gl lettuce/apple)or living arrangements-he lives in his own cage next to another GP who's doing fine.  Scruffy is at least 5 years old (no-one knows his exact age-I adopted him from my school 2years ago).  He won't eat, although he seems interested in the food and last night I noticed that his face loooked swollen and he has a huge mass on the side of his face,(golf ball size) which I rubbed to see if it was an abcess.  I rubbed it for a while and he does not seem to feel anything.  Also, as I was petting him, he as another bump on his back-does he have cancer?  How can I make him comfortable-I know he's old and would not stand up to surgery.  I appreciate your help!

Those bumps are most likely cyst, which can be drained, but when drained they also usually get infected. The best thing to do would be to put him asleep by seeing a vet to get him euthanized. If he is not eating or drinking then there is not much hope, and letting him live will just cause suffering on his part.