Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what is up with my guinea pigs?

what is up with my guinea pigs?

21 14:34:12

i gave them strawberries for the first time the night before they started to act weird.  but usually they just veggies, pellets and hay at the same time every night (and morning).  

i broke up a fight between the two the day i noticed the strange behavior.  the big one was making the little one scream loudly and i just picked them up and put them outside of their cage so they could have more space.  they spend about half their time in the cage and half out.  that hasn't changed at all.  

do you think it was the fight?  

Followup To

Question -
I have two guinea pigs and they've lived with me about 2 months.  they always come when i call and sit in my lap to eat treats when i come home from work.  the last two days, they've been chattering their teeth at me and won't come and seem to be afraid of me (e.g. scream when i pick them up).  i have no idea what is wrong.  their environment hasn't changed at all...i don't know what to do!  please help.

Answer -
Hi Annie

Any number of things might be causing their change in behaviour. Can you think of anything else, even small things, that you can tell me. Otherwise I would be tempted to consult a vet to give them a quick check-up to make sure everything is fine.


Hi again Annie

The fight does sound like the more likely reason for their behaviour. Sometimes, unless real damage is being done, you have to let pigs sort out their differences. Does the little one seem injured at all?

They are probably upset you broke up their discussion. Give it a few days and if it persists, please write back. In your position, I would take a trip to a vet for a check-up as well. Doing that can never be a bad thing and it doesnt cost much.
