Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guineas?


21 14:34:12

When my guinea pig itches on her eyes this white stuff comes out a little bit.  Is this something I should be concerned about?  We are putting this eye ointment on, but we want to make sure she will be find as long as we use the medicine?

thanks for your help.  I have heard you are very helpful!!!!!  :)


Hi Kristina!

I bet that you're holding her or have her out when this happens, don't you?

You don't need to do anything except put the guinea pig back in its cage for a while.  The white discharge is normal, and is actually a sign of stress in guinea pigs.

If it's happening while your guinea pig is in her cage then maybe you need to move her cage to a quieter location where she doesn't feel as nervous.

Mostly, just know that when this happens it is a clue that your guinea pig has had enough for a while and needs a rest.

Hope that helps,