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Veggies and Fruit?

21 14:45:07

Dear Ryan,

     I have to female guinea pigs a long-haired, and a short-haired. They are at different ages ones 8 months old, and the other 1 and 5months old. They have been together for the past 5 months or so. I hate to but do I need to sperate them because they might need different dietary needs? What can I feed both of them to prevent having to seperate them? I hope you can help.
            Katie Triggs


Good news, guinea pigs dietary needs are very easy. Once they have been weened from their mother's milk, their needs will always be the same. Mother's milk isn't too awful important either. If a mother dies in birth, you can give the young milk through an eye dropper.

A good mix for ANY GP is as follows:(per guinea pig)
1 handfull "colored" GP mix (they seem to like it more)
1 handfull "uncolored/gray" GP mix (adding this will save you money as you have to feed them fresh everytime)
1 handfull timothy hay
fresh water

Give them this twice a day, along with some fruits and veggies now and then. GPs are nocturnal eaters so before bedtime and around late afternoon are good times to feed.

Thanks and I hope this helps you,
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