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Two Lovely Piggies

21 14:05:15

I have two pigs, I want to say Gizmo is about 7 months now, and Gadget is between 3 and 6 weeks old. I just took Gizmo to the vet for a swollen eye, surely was an eye infection. And Gadget Has been sneezing And he makes a very light crackle when he breaths. I've checked everything possible, I even quarantined him from Gizmo when Gizz has his eye infection, But it's only been a week since I seperated them, could I put them back together. And what should I do about my Baby Gadget?
And another thing, you can't laugh.. But they have been really Face humping each other a lot.. I know it's dominance, but how long would this have to go on before I should separate them for good?

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!

I am not sure about gadgets wheezing and crackling as my boy does this all the time and the vet could find nothing wrong.
I would take him to the vet to be safe as it could be a chest infection of similar.He will prescribe BAYTRIL for the infection if there is one.
Also, I DID have to laugh regarding the face humping :), this will carry on indefinately but its only like the dominant one reminding the other who is in charge. He may stop going at the face and try the rear end and if the other piggy gets sick of it he will soon let the dominant one know with a sharp nip.