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Introducing a new guinea

21 14:14:51


I currently have two guinea pigs Max aged 18 weeks and Ozzy aged 20 weeks. They both have very different personalities with Ozzy being quiet and docile and Max being always on the go and extremely energetic.

I want to get another baby boar but I am concerned about introducing the new  piggie - Ozzy will be fine as he doesn't really show any aggressive behaviour or displays of dominance. Max on the other hand is my concern. Even though my two current guinea pigs don't have "real" fights, Max is always trying to display dominance by nipping Ozzy's bum, giving a low growl or puffing up his furr (if he does any of these things it will only be for a short space of time and nothing ever comes out of it) but I am worried that if another, younger boar comes in he may feel threatened and therefore turn instantly against him and I don't think it would be fair to get another guinea and then realise that it has to be separated from the other two.

I would appreciate your views on me getting another piggie




I am so sorry I am just now getting back to you. We've been having some internet issues here.

It is best to wait on getting the third one until Max and Ozzy have worked everything out. Though it does look like Max will be the dominate one it'll be better for you, him and the new one if you wait until Max feels secure and there are no more displays of dominance behavior between Ozzy and Max. Once there are no more displays of the dominance behavior and both the boys are settled and they have everything totally worked out, after that you can go ahead and get another one. Just not right now as Max could hurt the new baby, and it is always better to wait until there is a social structure in place as by then the boys will have a bond so when introducing the new one to them they all will be more likely to get along with out any problems of a serious kind.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,