Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my male guinia pig (bigger one) bit the other one

my male guinia pig (bigger one) bit the other one

21 14:22:08

when is a and how is a good way to trim there claws?      and clean them?
the pet store was not very helpful with those answers.I also wondered if they like toys I have looked but haven't seen any for them, they have them for other pets but not them why? I am just curious about that because mine do some cute things like climbed on top of there igloo. also my big guinea pig charged into the little guinea pig  they do some interesting stuff. I think they would enjoy a toy.Thanks I look forward to hearing back from you Thank you Helen

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I think my guinea pigs are in heat but don't know.I have two male guinea pigs a cage and a female in a different cage. The oldest male has started watching the female and has gotten more aggressive with the smaller male guinea pig I just tried putting her cage in a different room. I am not sure what to do.I was told they are not suppose to attack each other. I am not sure about breading the bigger guinea pigs because she is more gentle and I don't want her hurt.Any advice would be appreciated Thank you I am a relatively new owner The oldest one is 1 yr old Thanks Helen
Hello Helen,

I do not recommend breeding them. Breeding can be VERY dangerous and deadly and should NEVER be done casually. Females also need to be bred before the age of 9 months at the ABSOLUTE LATEST or you will most likely lose her and the pups. Guinea Pigs do fight sometimes, especially males. Whoever told you they don't was misinformed. I have never had any problems with my males and in heat females in the same room, however, many people have. Since it is a problem for your boys, the best thing is to keep the female in a separate room or permantly separate the males (though keep them near each other so they can still talk and sniff each other). You didn't mention how bad the bite was. If blood has been drawn, if the fights have not stopped since the female's removal, or the fights are getting worse, they need to be split up permanantly for their own safety. Once they start truly fighting and not just bickering a bit, they usually won't stop and will end up hurting each other seriously. It's possible at their young age, dominance has not yet been totally established yet and so the female coming into heat has now caused permant problems for their relationship. As long as they aren't hurting each other and things aren't getting worse, they can stay together, but if they are, their shared cage days need to be over. If their current cage is large enough, putting a divider down the middle is a good idea if you'd rather not add another cage. Good luck. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. It's not easy when your angels start fighting amongst themselves, but they'll be ok in separate cages and there are benefits to it.


Hello Helen,

I prefer dog clippers for their nails because I have 2 dogs and am most comfortable handling them, however, most people prefer to use cat clippers, that's up to you. If your piggy's nails are light, you should be able to see the pink quick inside them. Just clip off the end of the nail and avoid  clipping the quick. If their nails are dark, just trim the very tips off every week until the nails are the desired length. The quick will naturally pull back a bit from the end of the nail so if you just clip a tiny bit off often, you should be safe. Have baking powder on hand in case you do clip the quick to stop the bleeding. I find it's easiest to train my piggies to lie on their backs while I clip their nails, but you can sit them up on your lap with their back against your stomach while you trim them too. And of course, always have a treat ready to give to them when you are finished since they are such good piggies. As for baths, Guinea Pig or rabbit shampoo is best but a mild baby shampoo will work too. Fill a tub or sink with 1-2 inches of water. Hold your piggy's front paws up to keep his face out of the water and with the other hand, shampoo him. Rinse him thoroughly. If the weather is warm, towel drying is fine. If it is cool, blow dry him on a low setting. Guinea Pigs love toys. Kitty jingle balls and pet safe stuffed animals are among my pig's favorite toys. They also like little rodent wood chew sticks. Blankets and pillows are also great. Just to name a few.
