Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > an answer needed... : )

an answer needed... : )

21 14:22:23

ok well i just got 2 female guinea's and well i think they are getting along well...but ok one of them (angel) she is like pretty but I'm not sure if that just because she just eats lots or if she is pregnant...i haven't picked her up yet because well...i admit it i am kinda scared because I'm worried she will bite me or something but ya plz help ... :D


If her belly is protruding and rounded on the sides, then she is most likely pregnant. Also if you got her from a pet store or place where they didn't separate out their pigs by sex, then she is pregnant. Most guinea pigs will not bite, just approach from the side, block her off with one hand in the front and one in the back, then slide one hand behind her front legs and one hand under her bum, avoid grapping the belly in case she is pregnant. If you see or feel the babies moving in her belly then she is 3 weeks or less away from delivering. There is more info on pregnancy on my website