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Not able to squeak

21 13:46:14

My guinea pig is about 2 years old and happy and healthy. For about the past 2 or 3 months especially, he has been incredibly vocal, a high pitched sounding scream whenever I walk by him or I come home. He is also very last week I gave him a couple baths because he is always dirty no matter what I do, and for about a week he has been trying so hard to squeak, but he can't. He is still active and runs out when I come over to him, but all I hear is a low breathing or rumbling, but he is trying to squeak. One bath I gave him, I didn't dry him off very well so could he have gotten a little cold? and the tips of his ears are hard and like, crispy. Not fuzzy and soft like they normally are. I hope you can help! Thank you!

well the ears are likely to be a bad reaction to the bath, most probably it dried his skin out, you're not really supposed to wash themn all that often but so long as they are not cracking or look dirty then they should be fine again.

the only thing he could have caught is something like pnemonia, guinea pigs cannot actually get colds, when they appear to it usually signals a more serious illness. people call them colds because it is easier to describe the symptoms. so long as he is was in a warm place after you had put him in the bath he should be fine. otherwise, keep him warm, dry and indoors if he is not already.

best of luck.