Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs >

21 14:13:53

Hi, i have a lot of questions about my guinea pigs.

-Firstly, i have 3 guinea pigs in the same cage, 2 girls and one boy. i wrote to one of the other experts about 4 months ago, explaining the situation and she told me that my 2 girls were most likely pregnant.
It's been about 5 months since they have been put together and nothing has happened-so i'm wondering if there is any chance of them not being pregnant.
They are the same as they always have been.

-Secondly, the male piggy i have vibrates acoss the cage. I'm not sure if this is normal-although the girls don't do it. He has jumped in the air as though having a spazum or something on several occasions.

Also, they rip up the newspaper i keep on the bottom of their cage (which is under the wood shavings) and destroy it. I only have newspaper where they eat and its torn up within 5 hours of me putting it in.
They seem scared of me, as they run away when i try to pick them up or even walk past the cage.

i don't know what to do anymore :(


Hi Chloe

I think I answered your question about the pregnancy. There is a fair chance that they still arent pregnant but it doesnt mean they wont become prgenant over time. Therefore the male should not be in with the female.

The vibration is kind of a mating dance the male does around the female and is totally normal behaviour. The jumping in the air is called "popcorning" and is basically indication that he is fine and having fun.

Chewing newspaper is not at all harmful although I understand its a bit annoying, pigs will be pigs.

The only way to get your pigs to be less scared of you is to handle them regularly. They may run away from you but generally they will eventually go into a corner where you can scoop them up. Spend an hour each day with them and gradually they will learn to trust you.
