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Rumbly Tum

21 13:43:50

Hi, my guinea pig Monty is around six years old. Lately I have noticed that his stomach keeps rumbling really loudly. So loudly that the first time I thought it was my own stomach! He is not off his food or water at all, and gets plenty of hay and fresh veg every day. The rumbling sound happens quite frequently throughout the day and it's really worrying me. Other than that he seems fine, although sometimes he is quite tired and grumpy, and has started biting me if I go near his chin. I know this sounds like a strange problem, but recent vet check-ups have been fine and I don't know what else to do. It is very unusual for Monty to bite me, I am his best friend! I would appreciate your help and advice.

It sounds like he may have some gas accumulation, just as we do at times. You can use some simethecone drops, given orally. Here in the US it comes under names such as Milocon drops, and is actually just Mylanta for babies. I'm sure if you ask the pharmacist they will be able to show you which product to buy. Give him a drop or two and that may settle the gas. That's how it works for babies.

As for nipping and biting are you sure you don't have anything on your fingers that might smell like food that he may like and is making him try to taste you? I've had that happen in my own caviary, and realized that if I'd been handling a carrot the smell was still there. I found that washing my hands with warm soapy water before picking up my nipping little guy solved the problem.

Monty is an old senior citizen by cavy standards. He may be a little grumpy at times and probably not quite as energetic as he used to be. You've been a good piggy mom for him to have lived so long, so you might just have to be extra patient with him and forgive these little indiscretions.