Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > cant walk

cant walk

21 14:16:34

hi,my guinea pig was fine yesterday(5/7/07),his back legs just quit workin,shes been trying to walk but just cant do it,her poop is fine and she not eating like she used to and shes not drinking,what is wrong?

Hi Orlando,

It sounds like a rare case of paralysis that that just happen suddenly for no apparent reason. Most of the time overnight, after being fine all day the day before and then the next day can't move the back legs.

It has something to due with a calcium problem, and as such it causes paralysis over night with no apparent reason. So providing heavy doses of calcium, in the shape of Osteocare in many cases seems to help. The recommended dosages are one ml night and morning for two days, slipping back to one ml daily for the following three days. Usually within twenty four to forty eight hours of beginning this treatment the animal begins to recover mobility.

This type of paralysis is rare and happens every now and then, but after the first time around it doesn't ever appear again. Many people believe it has something to due with calcium build up in the stomach which affects some Guinea Pigs. If your Guinea Pig doesn't show any signs of improving take her down to the vet as it could be due to something totally different and will need a vet to look and treat it.  

I hope this helps and that everything is alright with your Guinea Pig.

     Take care now,