Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sudden guinea pig illness

Sudden guinea pig illness

21 14:40:08

Our guinea pig has become very poorly very quickly and we urgently need advice.When we came in tonight she had escaped,and it looked as if she may have been out for a few hours.She was exhibiting the following symptoms-unable to walk or hold up head and kept rolling over. refused to drink anything at first,then drank loads, now won't eat or drink anythung.Lying completl
ey still, but producing lots of poo pellets.

Amy --

Keep in mind that I am not a vet, so that is still your best way to go.  Anything I say, since I haven't been there or seen your animal could be wrong.  However, with that in mind, there are several things that could be wrong, but my best guess would be that she has developed an ear infection of some sort.  That's why she's having balance problems.  In this case, I would recommend taking your animal to the vet as soon as you can so that you can get that taken care of.  I know this probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's what is most likely wrong, from the symptoms you've described.  

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
