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limp legs

21 13:47:16

Hello, My name is Jessica and I recently got my daughter a very cute, sweet piggie named luna. Yesterday my daughter accidently dropped luna and now she is dragging her back legs. Breaks my heart so bad I was up all night thinking about her. Is she in pain? I don't know what to do. She is eating fine and hasn't cried out or anything but her back legs are limp. Please help! I appriciate your time! Thank you!

From the description of the symptoms it sounds like she's got a spinal injury. She may or may not recover from it. The fact that she is not showing signs of pain is concerning. If there was spinal chord damage then there is nerve damage, which is why she feels nothing. She's paralyzed.

Avoid handling her for a week or so, on the chance and hope that she may just have tissue swelling that might be compressing a nerve. You might have Luna examined by a vet and see if he would prescribed some kind of anti-inflammatory that would hopefully give her some relief.

Spinal injuries to small animals don't often have good outcomes. But that doesn't mean she is suffering. Animals that become paralyzed don't suffer from self pity like we humans do. She could still live her live out, but would just have a disability.

I hope for your daughter's sake Luna recovers. I'm sure she already feels awful about seeing her pet hurt. Accidents like this are a terrible thing for anyone.  Small children often lack the coordination to hold onto a small pet that starts wiggling in their arms.  But it can happen even to adults.  We certainly don't mean for harm to come to them, it unfortunately just happens.