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21 14:28:45

Could i take Lily (my guinea pig) outside? And should i get another female? People say i hsould defently! SHould I?

You could take her outside in a secure enclosure, you just have to make sure that no predators can get to her, and always supervise her when she is out, guinea pigs can get heat stroke if it is too hot outside. I would recommend getting some small animal flea and tick spray though if you plan to take her outside because guinea pigs can get fleas from being outdoors. As with getting another female, some guinea pigs like company and some don't it just depends on the pig. If she has a bossy dominant personality then you would have to make sure that the other female would not challenge her, or they could fight and injure each other. The best thing to do is either leave her by herself or if you'd like another pig see if a local breeder of rescuer would let you bring your pig to pick out a companion. I have had females that would never let me stick another pig in with them, so it just depends. It is safer however to let her pick out a friend that she actually likes then buy a pig and bring it home to find out that they don't get along. I have found that as long as pigs get enough attention it really does not matter if they are alone or with a friend, they are usually happy either way.