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Guinea pigs and corn snakes

21 14:11:03

Dear Shawntiah, My daughter has two delightful guinea pigs and also a young
snake. So far we have managed to keep them on different floors but a change
in circumstances means it would be a lot easier if they were able to live in the
same room. Do you know whether the snake odour (not strong to the human
nose) is likely to disturb the guinea pigs. I thought it best to ask before trying
as I do not want them upset if they will imagine they are about to be eaten by
giant reptiles or any such thing. I hasten to add that the corn snake will never
reach the size that would make him even think about guiney pig for tea. Hope
you can help, many thanks, Charlotte.

Hmmm... Charlotte, this is a really good question. Me personally I wouldn't put a guina pig and a snake in the same room just because I'd be really afraid that the guinea pigs would get really scared. Will they be able to see the snake? I have heard of some people keeping snakes and rabbits in the same area and they seemed fine after a while. Cornsnakes don't get big anyways, only like 3 feet and so I don't really think it would be a problem if you tried and kept a close eye on the guinea pigs to make sure they are okay and acting normal.