Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > mites or fleas on owner?

mites or fleas on owner?

21 14:39:48

Hi Lorena, we have had our piggy Charlie since Nov. Recently our son, who plays with Charlie at least three times a day, is itchey and rashey under his arms and between his legs?  Do mites our fleas from guinea pigs latch onto their human owners?  If it was allergies it would more spread out on his body.  We are taking the 8 year old and the quinea pig to the doctors tomorrow but thought you might have some ideas.  Thank-you, Debbie

Debbie --

I'm going to be honest with you here - I've never heard of anything like this, but I suppose, depending on what kind of fleas or mites they are, it could be possible.  Does your guinea pig seem to be scratching a lot or losing hair?  If so, than its a likely possibility that it has a pest problem.  If not, you may want to look into some other possibilities.  

For example, could it be possible that its a fungal infection from some sort of sports activity (I know they go around in the recreation center I work in on occasion - particularly in weight rooms and gymnastics areas.  We spend a lot of time cleaning with bleach.  :)

I hope this is helpful.  I'm sorry I don't have a more direct answer for you.  I hope your doctor was able to shed some light on the problem for you.  Good luck!
