Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > girl or neutered boy

girl or neutered boy

21 14:26:00

Hello, I got 2 piggys from a woman that was giving them away and we have had them for about 4 months. The woman told me that they were both boys but I thought that they both looked like girls. My males that I already had have been mounting her the whole time that
I have had her and she has not gotten pregnant. I have been thinking that "sweet pea" is a male that has been neutered and I looked at a few pictures online and I'm still unsure about if she is autally a he.  

Hello April,

To be safe you may want to remove the suspect female until you know for sure. The best way to know for certain is to extrude the penis. If he is in fact male you should be able to feel a hard tube like bump just above his genitals (this is the shaft the penis recceeds into). If you gently press on it, the penis should emerge. Here is an excellent gender identification site that explains what what you should see in words and pictures. Hopefully this will do the trick and you'll be able to figure it out. If not, let me know, and I'll try again. Good luck!
