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Guinea-pig Travel- trains?

21 13:51:50

Hello. I am currently a college student, and have very recently gotten a young, male guinea pig. ("The Professor") I've had three guinea pigs before- so I feel generally comfortable with tending to their needs and wants. I myself would never recommend guinea pigs as pets for students In dorms- especially students inexperienced with guinea pigs. But I've a apartment-like suite with two very quiet and understanding suite mates, and plan to take The Professor home with me thanksgiving break to stay home as the new family guinea pig (our last one passed away a year ago- and we'd been considering getting a new one anyway.) So hopefully i've given you some reassurance that i'm not some crazy college kid who'll abandon the little fellow in a few weeks time, or let him go deaf to heavy metal- or some other godforsaken fate.

now my question is this- I usually fly home, but of course I would never consider doing so with him. I'm about 8 hrs from home by ca, but I unfortunately do have a car out here with me. I am however certain that there are train routes I could take instead. I've gone through two different moves with two different guinea pigs that have done fairly well with car travel.  So do you think that train travel would be a good option? I really am trying to take all his health and other needs into consideration, and would like to think it would be a safe choice for him- but I wasn't sure if you'd have any advice or concerns I might not have taken into account. Any counsel you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated!

yours sincerely

-Mia and The Professor

I think its great that you asked! Its awesome to see that even a 'crazy college kid' can understand that guinea pigs and travel do not go perfectly together, but can with proper aide and planning. Now, 8 hours is a very long time for a guinea pig to be in a carrier case. I am not sure what kind of travel house you have for the little guy. I have a yellow case with breathing holes and a carry strap that has enough room for my girls to turn around and sleep in. I would not make say, Gypsy (my cute fat guinea pig) sit in there for that long because she is restless. Rhinestone on the other hand, god bless her soul, I would let stay in there with a few breaks to sit on my lap. So personality, is the professor going to be able to sit for that long?
Also food wise, treats go limp and dry very fast so I suggest taking some time to experiment with dry treats from the pet store. Try him on them first, because we don't want the little guy having a medical problem on a train. So food, will he be well fed?
And of coarse the noise and people. There are a lot of people on trains so make sure his ears and amazing hearing stay intact. And by any chance he goes missing or stolen, well, just bad bad scene. Of coarse this is unlikely. So people, is his medical/personal self going to be okay?
So I feel uncomfortable making the choice for you, but remember to consider:
His personality, is the professor going to be able to sit for that long?
His food, will he be well fed?
And people, is his medical/personal self going to be okay?

Thanks for asking!