Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pig not eating vegies

pig not eating vegies

21 14:15:02

Hi, I recently got a pair of young male guinea pigs.  Both have settled in well to their environment & are ok with being handled etc however one of them will not touch vegetables at all, he eats lots of hay & dry food, drinks plenty too,  but I'm worried he's not getting the vitamins he needs.  The other pig eats carrots but no other veg.

I put all this down to them not being brought up on veg by the breeder but its making bonding difficult.  I just wondered if there was any way I could get him to at least try some or if there was anyway to get him some vitamins elswhere?


Hi Tracy

Most dry foods these days have all the vitamins that a pig needs, but you can also buy soluble vitamins to go in the water too.

Keep offering small amounts of veggies each day and as they settle in more and more I am sure they will get used to fresh food.

If you have any other concerns please let me know.
