Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > behavior of our guinea pig

behavior of our guinea pig

21 14:19:59

Our new female Guinea pig is all of a sudden jumping around
her cage.  It's kind of like she's on speed. This just started today.  Is she sick?  I did give her a slice of an orange today, about 6 hours ago, because I read she needs extra vitamin C.
Please tell me if she's going to be OK.  Also she started biting on my finger tonight.  She's never done that in the week that we've had her.  She usually just lays on my chest
and makes her sound.  Thank you,  Gisele

That's called "popcorning" and it's very normal.  They enjoy running around in a circular path at top speed.  Try getting her a playpen or make sure she's got a lot of room in her cage.  She does need vitamin C which is found in most guinea pig food but supplementing oranges, apples, strawberries, and green veggies 3-4x weekly is even better.  Also, make sure she has wooden chew treats to keep her teeth filed down.

Let me know if I can help with anything else,