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My guinea pig.

21 13:45:53

A week ago I filled up my guinea pigs water bottle. He usually drinks a lot and I have to fill it up every other day, but in the last week he has had only a little less than a quarter of the water that's in his bottle. I am feeding him fresh spinach, feeding him bananas and hay, and many other vegetables. Should I be worried or is he getting enough water from the vegetables and fruits? Thank you.

A pig's water intake is directly related to the weather and the temperature. Just like us if it's cold or cool outside we aren't as thirsty. They also get water from sources other than the faucet. Vegetables contain water as well. Many pigs can get along just fine with only lettuce as a water source for a time. So I don't think it's anything you have to worry about.

I can walk into my caviary when I get home from work and tell what the temperature has been by how much water has been consumed. Of course if there's one or two cages that seem to use more than others the first thing I check for is a leaky bottle. Other than that as long as the pigs are acting normally, not losing weight and not showing signs of stress then their consumption of water is normal. Their appetite and behavior is key to telling how they're feeling.

During hot months it's sometimes necessary to hang two bottles just to be sure there is enough available. In California our weather varies sometimes day to day. So with that in mind it sounds like your pig is fine, just reflecting the environment and adjusting his needs accordingly.