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Hi, please help me

21 13:55:42

My guinea pig, Kaki, is drooling, should i bring him to the vet? because there is nothing wrong with his eating, or moving around, its just whenever i put my hand under his mouth, my hand is wet when i take it up, i even thought it was him whos peeing on my hand. Is it serious? because i have heard of all the kind of sickness a guinea pig can get, Please help me... Im very worries about Kaki.

Hi Vy,
It sounds like Kaki's teeth are maloccluded. Malocclusion happens when a guinea pigs teeth are overgrown, sometimes just the back teeth are overgrown, and other times both the front and back ones are.
Yes, Kaki definitely needs to see a vet! The vet will ground and file Kaki's teeth(usually veterinarians will use anesthetic, so don't be suprised if the vet uses it on Kaki). In some cases, depending on how severe, the guinea pigs with Maloccluded teeth will need them filed every few weeks for the rest of their lives.
I hope this helps, and feel free to contact me if you need anything else!