Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Feeding the Aged GP

Feeding the Aged GP

21 14:40:59

My aged guinea pig is starting to loose weight.  How can I entice her to eat more?  What can I supplement her regular food with that will increase her calory intake?


Alison --

Well, my primary concern with a guinea pig that is losing weight is whether or not she has any other symptoms of illness, such as decreased intrest in food and water, listlessness, unusual discharge, etc.  Here's why I'm wondering.  Guinea pigs don't typically lose weight unless there is a reason.  Usually that reason is something more serious.  If there are any doubts at all about her overall health, I would recommend taking her to a vet right away, especially if you have noticed any symptoms of ill health.  Otherwise, I would recommend upping her vegetable intake with foods like carrots, apples, etc.  Don't bother with lettuce, because it's mostly water and certainly won't do her any nutritional good.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
