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guinea pig - roy

21 14:26:15

Hi, my guinea pig roy is only 3 months old and this last 3 ,4 days he's been sick. i can't make out what's wrong with him as from the research i made nothing is exactly what he has. he's been very quiet and when left alone he sits in a corner and seems to fluff. He also twice had some watery substance near his eyes. He does not have diarrhoea, his drops are normal except that that are not so well formed. He hadn't lost his appetite for veggies or water, all that he didn't seem to want was his pellets.  Pls help me as i don't want to loose him!! i love him so so much!!

Hi Daniela,

    You must keep a close eye on your guinea pig, because it sounds to me like you caught him in a very early stage of URI, Upper Respiratory Infection, because he has not yet developed labored breathing or wheezing or complete loss of appetite.  If brought to a vet early, he can be treated; however, URI is otherwise fatal.  Take him to the vet immediately!

    More information on URI and what a vet can do for him can be found at this site:

    If you do not go to a good vet with some experience in small animals, he may not be able to diagnose it.  The web site I provided will inform you of the treatment your piggie should receive.  Also, tips on how to find a good vet can be found here:

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask.  Vets can be costly, but your piggie's life is worth it.  Good luck with your guinea pig (=

                                            - Nicole