Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig please help!

guinea pig please help!

21 14:12:26

i had two guinea pigs in a cage 4 about a year now when i got home the one had died. so i removed her and cleaned the cage. but the other one is now just laying there and wont do anything. im not sure if shes eating bc this just happened. can u please help me?

Hi Katie

Firstly, I am sorry for your loss.

It is perfectly normal for one pig to grieve the loss of their friend but sometimes this means loss of appetite so action needs to be taken.

I would recommend that you get her checked by a vet to make sure she is not affected by what caused the other pig's death. Provided she is given a clean bill of health, you should consider getting her a new friend to prevent lonliness.
