Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Silly Question

Silly Question

21 14:27:35

What does Guinea pig poop look like.  I am looking into getting one, and I know that they aren't always potty trained, so, if they do poop on the carpeted floor, is it easy to clean up.  Also, when they pee, is it a lot of pee, or a little pee like rats?  Same reason, if they pee on the carpeted floor, will it be a big deal or can it be cleaned up if a lot and noticed with a rag and cleanser.  Thanks.

Guinea pig poop is usually easy to clean up, unlike dog or cat poop. It's bean shaped and shouldn't be soft (unless they are ill). You can easily vacuum, sweep or pick them up.

As for their pee, it depends. I recommend putting down an old sheet or a shower curtain and make a pen, or put them in the kitchen or bathroom for floor time.

Please read over and for care info. Also There are many homeless guinea pigs that need homes. Try to adopt instead of going to the pet store or a breeder.